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Breakfast Hash

Breakfast Hash (YIELDS-4)


  • 226.8 grams Apple-Smoked Bacon

8 ounces     28.35 grams 
_______  x ___________ = 226.8 grams
     1                 1 ounce

  • 680.388 grams Russet Potatoes
1.5 lb    453.592 g
____ x ________  = 680.388 grams
   1            1 lb
  • 0.3 g Kosher Salt
1.5 tsp      0.2 g
______ x_____ = 0.3 grams
    1            1 tsp
  • 0.15 g Black Pepper
3/4 tsp      0.2 g
______ x ______ = 0.15 grams
    1             1 tsp
  • 30 mL Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
2 tbs   15 mL
____ x _____ = 30 mL
   1         1 tbs
  • 1 medium White Onion
  • 1 red Bell Pepper
  • 90 g Baby Spinach Leaves
3 cups    30 g
_____ x _____ = 90 g
    1           1 cup
  • 141.75 g Dry/Hard Salami
5 oz    28.35 g 
____x_______ =141.75 g
  1          1 oz
  • 1.1 g Ground Nutmeg
1/2 tsp x 2.2 g
   1         1 tsp  = 1.1 g
  • 15 mL Freshly Squeezed Juice of Orange
1 tbs  x 15 mL = 15 mL
  1          1 tbs
  • 4 Large Eggs
Cooking Instruction:
Cook the  226.8 grams Bacon over medium-high heat in a 12-inch nonstick skillet, stirring occasionally, until crisp, crisp, 10 to 12 minutes. Remove the 226.8 grams bacon using a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
Add the potatoes 0.2 grams of salt and 0.05 grams pepper to the pan juices. Cook, stirring frequently, until brown and crisp, about 25 minutes. Remove the 680.388 grams of potatoes using a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
Add the 30 mL of oil, onion, bell pepper, 0.2 grams salt, and 0.2 grams pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are soft, about 5 minutes. Add the 90 grams spinach, 141.75 g salami,  1.1 g nutmeg, 15 mL orange juice, the remaining 0.2 grams salt and 0.2 grams pepper. Cook until the 90 grams spinach is wilted, about 4 minutes. Stir in the 226.8 grams of bacon and 68.388 grams potatoes.
Make 4 indentations in the hash and break an egg into each. Cook until the eggs are cooked through, 5-6 minutes.

(n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2015, from https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8658/15988410366_d214b8708c_b.jpg

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