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Elements in the Stars

Star Log
For Atomic Structure and Radioactivity, the connected project is a Star Log. Each element and chemical, when heated or excited in transitioning, emits specific, discrete wavelengths of light. This radiation is the atom or compound's fingerprint, uniquely identifying it, whether it lives on Earth or in Space. For each solar body, the chemical make-up, space location, spectrum analysis,stellar classification, and a photograph will be included.

Solar Bodies:
Cor Caroli
Theta Leonis
Xi Aquarii
Zeta Draconis
Delta Ursae Majoris
Gamma Virginis
Nu Ophiuchi
Zeta Pegasi
Alpha Hydri
Beta Virginis


  • Atomic Structure and Radioactivity. (2015, September 16). Lecture presented at Pre-AP Chemistry in Classroom, St. Charles.
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2015, from http://guysfromandromeda.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Galaxy-background.jpg
  • Stars. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2015, from http://www.astronoo.com/en/stars.html

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