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Caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun, this ailment burns the skin, causing reddening, inflammation, sensitivity to touch, and in some cases, blistering and peeling of the skin. Click here for more information on sunburns.


  • Common Name:  Chicory
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Scientific Name: Cichorium intybus
  • Habitat: Tall Grass Prairie/Eastern Deciduous Forest
  • Active Chemical Ingredients: prostaglandin E(2)
  • Uses: Anti-inflammatory, healing agent
  • Preparation: Sap rubbed onto sunburn


Witch Hazel

  • Common Name: Witch Hazel
  • Scientific Name: Hamamelis virginiana
  • Family: Hamamelidaceae
  • Habitat: Eastern Deciduous Forest
  • Active Chemical Ingredients: tannins
  • Uses: helps insect bites, relieves sunburns, repairs skin cells, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-itch
  • Preparation: liquid distilled from leaves, twigs, and bark dabbed onto affected area

  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2015, from http://i.huffpost.com/
  • SUNBURN. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2015, from http://www.homepharmacy.com.au/healthcontent/AilmentsandDiseases/sunburn
  • What is a sunburn? (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2015, from http://www.dermalogica.com/what-is-a-sunburn?/ys_skinaging_4,default,pg.html
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015, from http://www.cyberlipid.org/images/pict20.gif
  •  Chicory Root Herbal Information from Herbal Extracts Plus. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015.
  •  Chicory Tea. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015, from http://herbs.lovetoknow.com/Chicory_Tea
  •  Cichorium intybus - Natural medicine facts. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015.
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015, from http://indianapublicmedia.org/focusonflowers/files/2012/02/witch-hazel.jpg
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015, from http://pubs.rsc.org/services/images/RSCpubs.ePlatform.Service.FreeContent.ImageService.svc/ImageService/Articleimage/2001/NP/b101061l/b101061l-f1.gif
  • Hamamelis virginiana - Natural medicine facts. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015.
  • Sunburn Soothers: Herbal Remedies for Summer's Ailments - Keeper of the Home. (2011, July 19). Retrieved September 10, 2015.
  • Witch Hazel. (n.d.). Retrieved September 10, 2015.

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