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The ache, or pain, of the tooth. In this case, the cause is an abscess, meaning that there is an infection of the tooth that has spread from root to tip. You can click here for more details on toothaches.

  • Common Name: Coneflower
  • Scientific Name: Echinacea spp 
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Habitat: Tall Grass Prairie
  • Active Chemical Ingredients: caffeic acid derivatives (phenolic compounds), and alkamides
  • Uses: Antiseptic for sores and insect bites, pain relief
  • alkamide
  • Preparation: root or leaf tea, chew on fresh Echinacea root
caffeic acid


  • Common Name: Yarrow
  • Scientific Name: Achillea Millefolium
  • Family: Asteraceae
  • Habitat: Eastern Deciduous Forest/Tall Grass Prairie
  • Uses: anesthetic
  • Active Chemical Ingredient: Chamazulene
  • Preparation: apply fresh root or leaves to gums and teeth

  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015, from http://cdn2.hubspot.net
  • Abscessed Tooth Treatment and Home Remedies. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015, from http://www.medicinenet.com/abscessed_tooth_guide/article.htm
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/WO2010003238A1/imgf000005_0001.png
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015, from http://www.mpbio.com/images/product-images/molecular-structure/02104797.png
  • Medicinal Plants. (n.d.). In A Pocket Naturalist Guide.
  •  Echinacea Species And Their Active Ingredients - NOW Foods. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015.
  • Echinacea spp - Natural medicine facts. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2015.
  • (n.d.). Retrieved September 9, 2015, from http://wildflowerfinder.org.uk/Flowers/Y/Yarrow/Chamazulene.png

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