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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Test Today

Good luck to everyone on the Stoichiometry test today. This unit is slightly easier than the last few, so don't stress too much, but know your stuff. The following link helped me study!
Again, good luck to all.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Chemical Stoichiometry

We did a lab today!
Included are pictures of our forming Cu and my awesome goggle forehead marks. 

Mass of jar: 74.8083 g
Mass of CuCl2: 4.0836 g
Mass of Fe: 7.7266 g

Limiting Reagents

1. Balance the chemical equation for the chemical reaction
2. Convert the given information into moles.
3. Use stoichiometry for each individual reactant to find the mass of product produced
4. The reacant that produces a larger amount of product is the limiting reagent. 
5. The reactant that produces a larger amount of product is the excess reagent
6. To find the amount of remaining excess reactant, subtract the mass of excess reagent consumed from the total mass of excess reagent given.
Extra problems:


Lab day 2!!

At the end of the lab, our Fe was 6.4298 grams. So, 1.2968 grams of Fe reacted in the lab.
Fe(II) 1.2968gFe * 1molFe/55.85gFe * 1mol Cu/1molFe * 63.55gCu/1molCu =1.476gCu
Fe(III) 1.2968gFe* 1molFe/55.85gFe * 3molCu/2molFe * 63.55gCu/1molCu = 2.213gCu

Thursday, December 3, 2015


I know there's a lot of people cramming for the test. If you need any help with oxidation rules, I found this to be really helpful when I was studying!!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Reaction Overview

Studying for the test tomorrow, I thought it would be helpful to share a summary of reactions.
In a double replacement
It forms a solid
2 ionic compounds that are both aq
In Acid/Base
Form water
H+ +OH- as reactants
In Redox
Transfer of electrons
Single replacement
Compound + O2 -> 
Extra help:

REDOX Reactions Lab

Yesterday we conducted a lab with reactions using metals and solutions.
Included  are pictures from the lab, showing the interesting reactions of metals when reacted with solutions. Many trials did not react, but those that did produced things such as bubbles and smoke.