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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Acid and Bases


ACIDS: taste sour and feel sticky
BASES: taste bitter and feel slippery

-Arrhenius acids are those species that produce hydrogen ions in solution (H+)
-Arrhenius bases are those species that produce hydroxide ions in solution (OH-)

HCl-->H+ + Cl-    (strong acid)
NaOH-->Na+ + OH- (strong base)
Brønstead-Lowery acids donate a proton (H+)
Brønstead-Lowery bases accept a proton (H+)
HCl + H2O --> H3O+ + Cl-
Acid-Conjugate Base Pair [HCl and Cl-]
Base-Conjugate Acid Pair [H2O and H3O]
EX: HClO4 and ClO4- because H+ + ClO4-

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Juice Lab

Testing for Vitamin C Content In Beverages
For the lab, we placed 20 drops of juice (V8 Golden Goddess, Pear Nectar, Apple, Unsweet White Grapefruit, and a Standard Vitamin C Solution) into a test tube, along with 3 drops of starch. We added I2 drop by drop until the color of the solution changed to blue. We then recorded the number of drops it took to turn the solution blue. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Learning to Dilute

Learning to Dilute
To simplify dilutions,

  1. Determine what you do and do not know
  2. Plug your values into the formula (M1V1=M2V2)
  3. Account for any differences in units
  4. Use simple algebra to solve the problem
  5. Round, keeping significant digits in mind.
I know it seems self explanatory, but it helps me when everything is listed out. Step-by-step is easiest!!

I was also taught the triangle method when working with problems.
In this method, if you were trying to solve for Liters, you would cover Liters on the triangle and are left with Moles of solute divided by molarity. In the same fashion, MxL=Mol and Mol/L=M

For more help Click: Dilutions and Triangle Method

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

WET LAB-Murder Lab

In our lab today, we discovered that the murder weapon was Silver Nitrate.
We reacted the AgNO3 with Na2CO3, forming a solid, and then we filtered out the liquid from the solid using a flask and filter paper. We have to let the product dry for a day or two, but check out our pictures!!
To do your own version of the lab, http://www.nclark.net/Honors_Molarity_Lab.doc
Or for molarity help,

Monday, January 11, 2016

Pre-Lab: Murder Mystery

Someone murdered Miss Scarlet! Our job is to determine the unknown poison, and the molarity of said poison, in order to fully determine which house guest killed Scarlet. Here's what we have so far:

Friday, January 8, 2016

Dilutions Lab

Dilutions Lab
Dilutions do not involve a chemical reaction. 
While M is molarity and V is volume, M1 and V1 come from your stock solution, while M2 and V2 come from what you're making. However, the secondary volume=total solution, meaning aliquot + water. Aliquot=small sample of a solution
Seriel Dilutions=subsequent dilutions from stock solution