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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Air Bag Lab

We had to construct an air bag... one that would save our passenger's life but also not hurt the passenger from being too full of air.
Here's what we decided to do...

  1. Find maximum volume of the bag
    • Fill bag with water
    • pour H2O into a graduated cylinder--- Volume H2O=Volume CO2
  2. Calculate to determine amount of NaHCO3 needed
    • Volume from step 1, convert to L
    • Looking for NaHCO3... n=PV/RT
    • solve for moles of CO2
    • use stoich to find grams of NaHCO3
    • Baking soda=vinegar 1:1 molar ratio
    • Use D of vinegar to find volume of vinegar
    • x.20 because vinegar is only 5% acetic acid
  3. Multiply measurements by .65 to not completely fill up the bag (or explode it)


1 comment:

  1. This lab wasn't really as hard as it was originally thought to be. Just coming up with the procedure and math was the only tricky part, and once you thought of it then it was really straight forward. I think everyone in our hour passed, so good job to them! Lets prepare for our next lab!
