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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Formula of a Chloride Lab

Formula of a Chloride Lab
  1. Determine the mass of a clean, dry 100 mL beaker to the nearest 0.001 g and record this mass on the data table
  2. Have your instructor place a small amount of zinc into the beaker. Then determine the mass of the beaker plus zinc and record in the data table.
  3. Using a graduated cylinder to measure, add 10 mL 3M HCl. Using a hot plate, gently heat the mixture until all of the zinc has dissolved
  4. Using a Bunsen burner, heat the solution until all of the water and excess HCl have been boiled away. Stop the heating as the last bit of liquid disappears. Do not continue heating after it has boiled to dryness as the compound will begin to decompose.
  5. Cool for several minutes and then determine the mass of the beaker and contents.

Be careful when working with Chlorine gas... You might end up not feeling well and watching the lab from the hall.

1 comment:

  1. This looks interesting! I wish i could have been there to be in lab and see it firsthand! Leaving early made me really miss out! Thank you for the explanation and all of the pictures to fill me in!
